Saturday, December 1, 2012

Final Learning Journal

Wow I can't believe this is the last post for my technology class.  I feel like this semester flew by and the amount of things I learned is incredible.  All semester long while learning about all these new technologies and working hands-on with the medias was great, my only fear is that if I don't continue to use them I will forget out to make the "cool" projects I made.   This past week in one of my other graduate classes we had a discussion about technology and we needed to find a research article about technology in the classroom.

For this assignment I found the article Teaching 2.0: Teams Keep Teachers and Students Plugged into Technology, by Michelle Bourgeois and Bud Hunt.  This article talks about how teachers, if they receive any training at all, only get training once through out the year for a specific device.  This is something I have witnessed myself, I have gotten training on a piece of technology and then after about a month or so I forget some of the things that I have previously learned.  In older teachers I can see this being a bit of a road block and making them hesitant to continue to use new technology.  With the way our society is going, as teachers we can not afford to not use technology in our classrooms and teach our students if nothing else the basics of everyday technology we use.

I feel as teachers we also need to work together to help each other stay up to date on how to use new devices and if needed know who to talk to get the help needed.  The article by Bourgeois and Hunt talk about schools having a team of individuals who meet once a month to discuss the goals for the use of technology in the classroom.  I think this is great because it can give the school an idea of where they are and where they need to go.

Learning new forms of technology is something that I know I must not stop doing!  Whether I am doing it with a group of co-workers or for my specific students, to be the best teacher I can/need to be it is something needed!

Bourgeois, M., & Hunt, B. (2011). Teaching 2.0: Teams keep teachers and students plugged into technology. Journal of staff development, 32(5), 34-37.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Technology in the Real World

So this post it a little off the main topic, but it does tie in.  I was at Disney the other day with some family and while standing in line while my niece went on her first ride ever, YAY!!!, I thought about all the technology the surrounds us.  While standing there you see all different people talking or texting on cell phones.  Many different types of digital cameras and camcorders taking pictures or videos of loved ones enjoying their time.  Then I was thinking even more and started to think about all the technology it takes to run the rides.  Sometimes I forget how much technology goes into a ride as simple as the TriceraTop spin.  There is a piece of technology devoted to making the entire ride spin, then you have an arm for each dinosaur, and then that dinosaur tilts forward and backward and can be moved up and down.  There are so many technological aspects that go into just one ride.  The same goes for one of the shows at Disney, there are so many pieces of technology from the lights to the sound, to some of the props, it is truly amazing!

So when I thought about all this technology I thought about how at one point all the people running this equipment were in school and learned about technology.  Technology is something that leads this world right now and as a teacher I need to make sure my students are equipped with the basic skills necessary to work in a field that uses technology.  I want my students to be successful in any job that they decide to choose and I know that they will be using some type of technology with their job so I need to make sure they are prepared.

What do you think?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

All About Me Project

This week we had to create an example of the presentation we want our students to create.  For my presentation I am going to ask my students to create an about me project.  I work with students in grades K-2 who have disabilities.  In my class we work a lot on social skills so I figured by doing this lesson not only can I teach my students using technology, it can be a social studies and social skills lesson on community and getting to know your classmates.  I am keeping the presentation simple because I work with the younger students, as well as I know to help complete this project I will need the assistance of families, so I did not want to include a whole lot of elements.

I am looking for any and all feedback on my presentation, including but not limited to what you liked, what you didn't, and what I can do to make it better.  Thank you for taking the time to view my project :-)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Digital Storytelling in MY classroom

So this week we were asked to think more about how we would integrate digital storytelling into our own classrooms using our given curriculum.  I had to take a couple of days to think about how I could do this in my classroom.  I teach in a K-2 ESE (exceptional student education) classroom so I don't really have a main curriculum that I use with all my students.  I have to pull materials from several sources and focus mainly on my students IEP (individualized education plan) goals.  But when I think about how it could be incorporated in my students I think about how I could work with my students and their parents and create digital stories about the students themselves.  I would send home a survey with my students to fill out with the help of their parents that discuss information about themselves, their name, age, favorite things.  I would create one on myself that I would use to introduce the project.  This would be a very hands on project that both myself and my paraprofessionals would work with the students to manipulate the story to incorporate what the students would like.  I would use this for my curriculum unit on Community/All about me which is the first unit I teach in my classroom.  I am thankful enough to have access to 3 student computers and 2 iPads in my classroom.  By having all these different forms of technology allow me to be able to work one on one with my students that need the most assistance.  This also allows me to work with different forms of technology and introduce them to my students.

Personally I can see using digital storytelling to project different stories that I use in my reading curriculum.  Using digital storytelling I would be able to introduce more pictures and sounds with the stories that will keep my students more engaged in them.  I could also use it to make my own lessons on the letter of the week.  My students are very visual so using digital storytelling will work very well with my students.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Digital Storytelling

Friday, October 12, 2012

Troubleshooting what's that?

So when I saw that the topic for class this week was troubleshooting it really got me to think about myself in regards to it. I will fully admit that I have become spoiled when it comes to troubleshooting, because I really don't have to do any of it! My roommate works for a computer company and is really handy with computers and networks and pretty much anything along those lines. If I run into an issue I usually just ask my roommate to look at the device, with very, very little troubleshooting done on my part!

This weeks assignments although many things were what I would consider "common sense" and things that I do with out calling it troubleshooting, were good to hear again! It's funny how many issues we have with technology can easily be fixed just by doing something as simple as making sure all the wires are plugged in all the way.

So in regards to school based technologies I wonder how many schools have a tech person on hand that can help them when they run into daily problems? Because I know I can run into at least 1 issue a week and it is difficult to get things fixed on a timely basis because our tech person is only at our school 2 days a week. What do you do in the mean time? All thoughts are welcomed!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage!

So this week I had a training about an educational technology program that is web based for creating IEPs (individual education plan) for all the students. This is a great program because it is a state based program that allows all IEPs to be the same so if a student comes from another district it will be the same. This is wonderful because it creates continuity across all schools and makes it easier for all teachers to be able to read.

My main problem with this program is that if the server goes down either the school server or the server from the department of education you can run into a major problem that can creat a giant headache. When doing an IEP I have had the error message "Internet explorer cannot display the web page" and it is extremely frustrating! With having 12 students in my classroom the IEPs already take a lot of time to complete, time that follows through into my evenings and weekends. Now working with this technology the process has become even longer for me! Don't get me wrong I love the job and everything that I do; paperwork is a part of the game, something I must do.

I just wonder at what point does the technology begin to hinder us? When I have to take 4 hours of time to complete an IEP because I keep getting an error message, that is taking 4 hours away from planning for my students. So I love the use of educational technology but at what point does it hinder us more then it helps us?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

HELLO? Can you hear me?

This past week I was fortunate enough to attend a training session for the benefit of several of my students.  Being an exceptional student education (ESE) teacher I use many pieces of educational technology just to help my non-verbal students communicate effectively with myself, other staff members, and their peers.  I have five students in my classroom that use an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device on a daily basis to help them communicate.  Four of my students currently use the same device, which is what I went to a training on.

Communication devices have always fascinated me just because of their shear ability to help a non-verbal person connect to those around them.  This particular device is actually a tablet with a communication board application on it. Can you believe how far we have come in our technology that we can now have a deceive that we not only can watch movies, connect to the WWW, get our email and communicate with others!  During this training I was able to really see the full depth of the program.  The memory on both the program and the device is unreal!  You can program anything you would like into the AAC that will be helpful to the student.  During the session we went through and personalized our students device.  By personalizing I mean, adding their name, their age, their birthday and so on.  You can add mom and dad, brother, sisters, other family members, family pets, pretty much anything imaginable.

While going through the program another really cool feature that I learned was the pronunciation menu.  This was a place where you could actually program the device to say words and names in the correct form so they don't sound so computerized.  Being able to work with this program gave me another jump start back into my love for educational technology, specifically AAC devices.

I also use many over AAC devices in my classroom such as an IPad, a big switch, and general picture cards with my students to help them begin to communicate their needs and wants to others without becoming to frustrated or overwhelmed.  I also this is in important to get those kids who are non-verbal to begin starting their own conversations with others, which sans these devices would be impossible.

In an ESE classroom educational technology in the form of AAC devices are essential for the communication needs of the students as well as to be able to teach them to become independent and possibly participate in the general education classroom.

So I ask you this, have you ever had to use an AAC device in your classroom?  If so did you find it difficult to incorporate into the routine?  Why?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Are we doing what's best for our students..."

Dr. McLeod posed the question "Are we doing what's best for our students, or are we doing what is most convenient for us?' is a strong question that made me think about myself and reflect on things that I have done while teaching.  I think as teachers we tend to stick with what we know works and don't think outside the box as much.  This is proven many times in reference to technology, a new technology becomes available to us in a classroom and I know I mumble and grumble about it because "its just another program/device I need to learn about."  Once I learn about the program I generally fall in love with it and enjoying using it but initially all I can think about it the hours I will have to spend getting to know all about it.

After viewing the youtube video "Iowa, Did you know?" I needed to pick my jaw up off the floor.  I knew students of this generation use a lot more technology then I did as a child but not to the extent that was pointed out.  Since we do live in such a technologically rich time we as teachers need to adapt with our students.  Many times our students will know more about the technology then we do and actually will teach the teacher about new technology or programs.  This year I work with many different communication devices with my students as well as IPads and computers.  So I have thought about the question from Dr. McLeod, there are times when I did not want to take the time to learn about the devices because it is an inconvenience to myself, that is NOT what is best for our students!

This year I have become excited about using all these new forms of technology to connect my class together.  This year I am fortunate enough to be able to use Edmodo, a type of "Facebook" for schools.  Although I am teaching an ESE class, I am going to use this program to be able to communicate with my families and be able to allow the families to connect to each other, something that I have never been able to do before.  It is also a great opportunity to incorporate technology into my classroom, one that I want to take full advantage of because there are so many schools that are not as lucky as mine.

The best thing about technology?  It motivates our students! Is that not what is best?  To have our students motivate and engaged in their own learning, to make discoveries on their own, and want to continue learning.

Technology keeps moving forward, are you going to join the game or are you going to stand on the sidelines?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Learning experience

Well this should be an interesting experience for me having my own blog and something i am looking forward to learning how to use!