Dr. McLeod posed the question "Are we doing what's best for our students, or are we doing what is most convenient for us?' is a strong question that made me think about myself and reflect on things that I have done while teaching. I think as teachers we tend to stick with what we know works and don't think outside the box as much. This is proven many times in reference to technology, a new technology becomes available to us in a classroom and I know I mumble and grumble about it because "its just another program/device I need to learn about." Once I learn about the program I generally fall in love with it and enjoying using it but initially all I can think about it the hours I will have to spend getting to know all about it.
After viewing the youtube video "Iowa, Did you know?" I needed to pick my jaw up off the floor. I knew students of this generation use a lot more technology then I did as a child but not to the extent that was pointed out. Since we do live in such a technologically rich time we as teachers need to adapt with our students. Many times our students will know more about the technology then we do and actually will teach the teacher about new technology or programs. This year I work with many different communication devices with my students as well as IPads and computers. So I have thought about the question from Dr. McLeod, there are times when I did not want to take the time to learn about the devices because it is an inconvenience to myself, that is NOT what is best for our students!
This year I have become excited about using all these new forms of technology to connect my class together. This year I am fortunate enough to be able to use Edmodo, a type of "Facebook" for schools. Although I am teaching an ESE class, I am going to use this program to be able to communicate with my families and be able to allow the families to connect to each other, something that I have never been able to do before. It is also a great opportunity to incorporate technology into my classroom, one that I want to take full advantage of because there are so many schools that are not as lucky as mine.
The best thing about technology? It motivates our students! Is that not what is best? To have our students motivate and engaged in their own learning, to make discoveries on their own, and want to continue learning.
Technology keeps moving forward, are you going to join the game or are you going to stand on the sidelines?